Higher Grounds Trading Company

Decaf Espresso Blend SWP

Vanilla, Toasted Nuts, Robust Medium Roast $15.00/ 12.00  oz. bag


Origin - Mixed

Region - Mixed

Farm - Mixed

Elevation - Various

Process - Washed

About Higher Grounds Trading Company Decaf Espresso Blend SWP

Sourced from either Peru or Honduras depending on seasonal availability, our water-process-decaffeinated espresso is dark and smooth with a smoky finish.

Traverse City, MI

Higher Grounds is proud to offer exceptional coffees from around the world by building lasting partnerships with small-scale growers, working directly with them to ensure a top-quality product. Through those close relationships and ongoing community projects both in our local area and globally, we provide coffee drinkers with an excellent product and the opportunity to engage in a cycle that begins at, and returns to, our partners in coffee-growing regions.

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