Contrast Coffee

Colombia Finca La Bertha

Sweet, Floral, Smooth Light - Medium Roast $16.00/ 12.00  oz. bag


Origin - Colombia

Region - Huila

Farm - Finca La Bertha

Elevation - Various

Process - Washed

About Contrast Coffee Colombia Finca La Bertha

This is our second year working with Finca La Bertha, and we are excited to continue to serve this amazing coffee! From the Huila region, Evelia Imbachi has been growing coffee for 25 years.

Iron River, MI

A coffee lovingly grown by farmers that have proudly cared for their crops for generations. A coffee freshly roasted to perfection to bring out the best qualities of each bean. A coffee so masterfully brewed it causes you to stop, close your eyes and savor the moment. That my friend, is a coffee so stark and incredibly different. THAT, is Contrast Coffee.

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