Black Oak Coffee

Black Bart Dark Roast

Earthy, Smoky, Sweet Dark Roast $14.00/ 12.00  oz. bag

Origin - Mixed

Region - Mixed

Farm - Various

Elevation - Various

Process - Washed

About Black Oak Coffee Black Bart Dark Roast

Black Bart was an outlaw of the west. He hid out just miles from our roaster during his stagecoach robbing days. Black Bart Dark is an outlaw among dark roasts. To create Black Bart we blend 3 coffees, roasted to different levels. One coffee is always roasted dark whereas the others range from medium to light. This blending style gives Black Bart its characteristic dark smoky flavor, but with layers of complex body and sweetness usually only available in lighter roasts. This coffee is designed to taste great with milk and sugar as well as have enough structure and sweetness to be delicious straight black (the way we prefer coffee around here).

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Ukiah, CA

A cup of coffee is practically a religious experience for us. We revere it, we crave it and we anticipate brewing and drinking it every day. Every coffee has a story, a history of soil, people and culture that make each one special. And it’s that combination that keeps us curious to learn about and eager to experience the next cup.

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